A. Pengertian Filsafat
Filsafat adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang meliputi kebenaran, yang di dalamnya terkandung ilmu-ilmu metafisika, logika, retorika, etika, ekonomi, politik, dan estetika (filsafat menyelidiki sebab dan asas segala benda) (Aristoteles (384 SM - 322SM)). Filsafat juga diartikan sebagai suatu sikap seseorang yang sadar dan dewasa dalam memikirkan segala sesuatu secara mendalam dan ingin melihat dari segi yang luas dan menyeluruh dengan segala hubungan.
Ciri-ciri berfikir filosfi :
• Berfikir dengan menggunakan disiplin berpikir yang tinggi.
• Berfikir secara sistematis.
• Menyusun suatu skema konsepsi, dan
• Menyeluruh.
Empat persoalan yang ingin dipecahkan oleh filsafat ialah :
1. Apakah sebenarnya hakikat hidup itu? Pertanyaan ini dipelajari oleh Metafisika
2. Apakah yang dapat saya ketahui? Permasalahan ini dikupas oleh Epistemologi.
3. Apakah manusia itu? Masalah ini dibahas olen Atropologi Filsafat.
4. Beberapa ajaran filsafat yang telah mengisi dan tersimpan dalam khasanah ilmu adalah:
Materialisme, yang berpendapat bahwa kenyatan yang sebenarnya adalah alam semesta badaniah. Aliran ini tidak mengakui adanya kenyataan spiritual. Aliran materialisme memiliki dua variasi yaitu materialisme dialektik dan materialisme humanistis.
Idealisme yang berpendapat bahwa hakikat kenyataan dunia adalah ide yang sifatnya rohani atau intelegesi. Variasi aliran ini adalah idealisme subjektif dan idealisme objektif.
Realisme. Aliran ini berpendapat bahwa dunia batin/rohani dan dunia materi murupakan hakitat yang asli dan abadi.
Pragmatisme merupakan aliran paham dalam filsafat yang tidak bersikap mutlak (absolut) tidak doktriner tetapi relatif tergantung kepada kemampuan minusia.
Manfaat filsafat dalam kehidupan adalah :
1. Sebagai dasar dalam bertindak.
2. Sebagai dasar dalam mengambil keputusan.
3. Untuk mengurangi salah paham dan konflik.
4. Untuk bersiap siaga menghadapi situasi dunia yang selalu berubah.
B. Pengertian Etika
Istilah Etika berasal dari bahasa Yunani, “ethos” yang artinya cara berpikir, kebiasaan, adat, perasaan, sikap, karakter, watak kesusilaan atau adat. Dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, ada 3 (tiga) arti yang dapat dipakai untuk kata Etika, antara lain Etika sebagai sistem nilai atau sebagai nilai-nilai atau norma-norma moral yang menjadi pedoman bagi seseorang atau kelompok untuk bersikap dan bertindak. Etika juga bisa diartikan sebagai kumpulan azas atau nilai yang berkenaan dengan akhlak atau moral. Selain itu, Etika bisa juga diartikan sebagai ilmu tentang yang baik dan yang buruk yang diterima dalam suatu masyarakat, menjadi bahan refleksi yang diteliti secara sistematis dan metodis.
Beberapa ahli telah merumuskan pengertian kata etika atau lazim juga disebut etik, yang berasal dari kata Yunani ETHOS tersebut sebagai berikut ini :
Drs. O.P. SIMORANGKIR : etika atau etik sebagai pandangan manusia dalam berprilaku menurut ukuran dan nilai yang baik.
Drs. Sidi Gajalba dalam sistematika filsafat : etika adalah teori tentang tingkah laku perbuatan manusia dipandang dari segi baik dan buruk, sejauh yang dapat ditentukan oleh akal.
Drs. H. Burhanudin Salam : etika adalah cabang filsafat yang berbicara mengenai nilai dan norma moral yang menentukan prilaku manusia dalam hidupnya.
Menurut Martin [1993], etika didefinisikan sebagai "the discipline which can act as the performance index or reference for our control system". Dengan demikian, etika akan memberikan semacam batasan maupun standard yang akan mengatur pergaulan manusia didalam kelompok sosialnya.
C. Etika kita sebagai Mahasiswa
Etika sungguh sangat penting sekali bagi kita. Dimanapun kita berada, sedang apapun kita harus mempunyai etika tidak terkecuali etika ketika kita berada di dalam kampus. Seperti contohnya:
• Jika dosen sedang menjelaskan janganlah kita malah ngobrol dengan teman sebelah.
• Jika kita telat masuk dan ternyata dosen sudah berada di kelas, ada baiknya kita meminta maaf dan ijin untuk masuk kelas atau bertanya apakah diperbolehkan masuk atau tidak.
• Kalau ada dosen yang telihat sudah berumur janganlah kita terlalu mengabaikannya, biasanya kalau ada dosen yang seperti itu kita sudah seenak jidat melanggar peraturan yang ditetapkan.
• Jangan sekali-kali centil atau bicara yang sedikit melecehkan jika ada dosen muda dan cantik.
D. Etika kita sebagai anggota keluarga
Etika penting bukan hanya pada etika sebagai mahasiswa saja, tapi etika kita sebagai anggota keluarga juga sangat penting. Contohnya seperti:
• Jangan pernah jalan atau melewati di depan orang tua kita. Misalnya pada saat mereka sedang menonton TV.
• Pada saat kita sedang berbicara pada orang tua, janganlah kita bicara dengan suara yang tinggi. Kecuali pendengaran orang tua kita sedikit agak terganggu.
• Janganlah kita duduk di bangku sedangkan orang tua kita duduk dilantai, ada baiknya kita mempersilahkan mereka untuk duduk di bangku.
• Kalau kita mau pergi keluar rumah, sebaiknya kita meminta ijin orang tua dan cium tangan mereka.
pakguruonline. 2012. Filsafat Pendidikan. http://pakguruonline.pendidikan.net/buku_tua_pakguru_dasar_kpdd_11.html. 14 Oktober 2012
Qohar, Adnan. 2011. Pengertian Etika dan Profesi Hukum. http://www.badilag.net/data/ARTIKEL/PENGERTIAN%20ETIKA%20DAN%20PROFESI%20HUKUM.pdf. 14 Oktober 2012
Indonesia, Ikatan Sandiman. 2010. Pengertian Etika. http://ikatansandiman.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56:pengertian-etika&catid=31:artikelseputarorganisasiprofesi&Itemid=18. 31 Oktober 2012
Bastra, Asnidar. 2012. Pengertian Filsafat Menurut Ahlinya. http://asnidar09.blogspot.com/2012/06/pengertian-filsafat-menurut-para-ahli.html?m=1. 31 Oktober 2012
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
1. Who(m) did you see at the party? Tell me who(m) you saw at the party.
2. Who came to the party? Tell me who came to the party.
3. Who(m) did helen talk to? Do you know who(m) helen talked to.
4. Who lives in that apartement? Do you know who lives in that apartement.
5. What happened? Tell me what happened.
6. What did he say? Tell me what he said.
7. What kind of car does Pat have? I can't remember what kind of car Pat has.
8. How old are their children? I can't ever remember how their children are old.
9. Why did you say that? I don't understand why you said that.
10. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me where I can catch the bus.
11. Who broke the window? Do you know who broke the window.
12. Who did Sara invite? I don't know who Sara invited.
13. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know how long Ted has been living here.
14. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? Can you tell me what flight 677 is supposed to arrive.
15. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know why Yoko is angry
Halaman 349
1. Who is he? I don't know who he is.
2. Who are they? I don't know who they are.
3. What is that? Do you know what that is.
4. What are those? Can you tell me what those are.
5. Whose book is that? I don't know whose that book is.
6. Whose book are those? Do you know whose those book are.
7. What is a wrench? Do you know what a wrench is.
8. Who is that woman? I wonder who that woman is.
9. What house is that? I wonder what that house is.
10. What is a clouse? Don't you know what a clouse is.
11. What is in that drawer? I don't know what is in the drawer.
12. Who is in that room? I don't know who is in the room.
13. Whose car is in the driveway? Do you know whose car is in the driveway.
14. Whose car is that? Do you know whose that car is.
15. What is on TV tonight? I wonder what is on TV tonight.
16. What is a carrot? Do you know what a carrot is.
17. Whose glasses are those? Could you tell me whose those glasses are.
18. Who am I? He doesn’t know who I am.
19. What’s at the end of the rainbow? The little girl wants to know what’s at the end of the rainbow.
2. Who came to the party? Tell me who came to the party.
3. Who(m) did helen talk to? Do you know who(m) helen talked to.
4. Who lives in that apartement? Do you know who lives in that apartement.
5. What happened? Tell me what happened.
6. What did he say? Tell me what he said.
7. What kind of car does Pat have? I can't remember what kind of car Pat has.
8. How old are their children? I can't ever remember how their children are old.
9. Why did you say that? I don't understand why you said that.
10. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me where I can catch the bus.
11. Who broke the window? Do you know who broke the window.
12. Who did Sara invite? I don't know who Sara invited.
13. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know how long Ted has been living here.
14. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? Can you tell me what flight 677 is supposed to arrive.
15. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know why Yoko is angry
Halaman 349
1. Who is he? I don't know who he is.
2. Who are they? I don't know who they are.
3. What is that? Do you know what that is.
4. What are those? Can you tell me what those are.
5. Whose book is that? I don't know whose that book is.
6. Whose book are those? Do you know whose those book are.
7. What is a wrench? Do you know what a wrench is.
8. Who is that woman? I wonder who that woman is.
9. What house is that? I wonder what that house is.
10. What is a clouse? Don't you know what a clouse is.
11. What is in that drawer? I don't know what is in the drawer.
12. Who is in that room? I don't know who is in the room.
13. Whose car is in the driveway? Do you know whose car is in the driveway.
14. Whose car is that? Do you know whose that car is.
15. What is on TV tonight? I wonder what is on TV tonight.
16. What is a carrot? Do you know what a carrot is.
17. Whose glasses are those? Could you tell me whose those glasses are.
18. Who am I? He doesn’t know who I am.
19. What’s at the end of the rainbow? The little girl wants to know what’s at the end of the rainbow.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Tugas English business II
Aktif ke passive voice
2. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison.
3. An island is surrounded by water.
4. Our hotel room will be cleaned by a maid.
5. The leaky faucet is going to be fixed by a plumber.
6. The sick child has been examined by a doctor.
7. James Swan was arrested by police.
8. Spanish is spoken by a large number of people.
9. The letter is going to be answered by secretary.
10. Carlos is confused by teacher's explanation.
11. I was embarrassed by my mistake.
12. The children is fascinated by helicopters.
13. The hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
14. I will be amazed by that news
2. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison.
3. An island is surrounded by water.
4. Our hotel room will be cleaned by a maid.
5. The leaky faucet is going to be fixed by a plumber.
6. The sick child has been examined by a doctor.
7. James Swan was arrested by police.
8. Spanish is spoken by a large number of people.
9. The letter is going to be answered by secretary.
10. Carlos is confused by teacher's explanation.
11. I was embarrassed by my mistake.
12. The children is fascinated by helicopters.
13. The hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
14. I will be amazed by that news
Monday, 26 March 2012
English Business
a. The teacher helps me. I am helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher helps Jane. Jane is helped by the teacher.
c. The teacher helps us. We are helped by the teacher.
a. The teacher helped me. I was helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher helped them. They were helped by the teacher.
a. The teacher has helped Joe. Joe has been helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher has helped us. We have been helped by the teacher
a. The teacher helps me. I am helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher helps Jane. Jane is helped by the teacher.
c. The teacher helps us. We are helped by the teacher.
a. The teacher helped me. I was helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher helped them. They were helped by the teacher.
a. The teacher has helped Joe. Joe has been helped by the teacher.
b. The teacher has helped us. We have been helped by the teacher
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